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Remotely Manage, Teach and Safeguard

 Senso allows your Teachers to take full control of the classroom to increase engagement, and protect your school devices from anywhere.

And your IT Team can expand support beyond the barriers that you thought existed.

See Senso recorded webinars here:


Classroom Management Webinar: Classroom Management

Chromebook Features: Overview of Chromebook Tools

Distance Learning Webinar: and Distance Learning

Asset WebinarWhat's new with Asset Manager &

Safeguarding Webinar: Online Safeguarding

Network Management: Part 2 Network Management Tools

Safeguarding your devices offsite 

Ofstead - the UK office for standards in Education, has made it a legal requirement to have filtering in place for school provisioned offsite devices. This really makes sense; as Educators it's our duty to take reasonable steps to reduce the risk of reasonably foreseeable harm to students. And lets face it, we all know of a few harms that are out there on the internet. Radicalisation, Online predators, Cyberbullies... and more obscure ones which surprised schools in 2019 such as the moma challenge and the blue wale game before it. Why not get ahead of the times and make sure your school ticks all the boxes before it is a legal requirement in your country or state?

School Device Management

IT Managers have all the tools they need to support Teachers and Students offsite or onsite, anywhere in the world.  And it's all done via a Centralised Web-based Portal that is built for scale. IT Staff can remotely track, monitor, and manage devices anywhere in the world, all whilst maintaining the highest security standards with GDPR and CIPA compliance.

Total Control for Teachers 

Classroom Management tools allow Teachers to see all student screens at the same time. Engage students with broadcasing, quizzes, website sharing... See problems before they escalate, identify and help students who are struggling. Remove rights for students who are misbehaving, whitelist websites, blank screens, mute sound. Laptops can easily become a distraction in a classroom and can be intimidating for teachers to manage without the right tools. Senso is intuitive and powerful and designed by teachers for teachers.

€ 7.80 /  AU$ 13

Enterprise (whole package)

Senso's power house bundle to cover all your needs.

Choose Enterprise cloud to get all of our modules included in Core, Class, Network and Safeguard Cloud

€ 3.60 / AU$ 6
Classroom Management only

Monitor and teach students without distraction


  • Blank Screens

  • Quick Question

  • Broadcast Screen

  • Mute Sound... and many more

€ 4 / $ 6

Offering unprecedented safeguarding capabilities


  • Whitelisting and Exams

  • Block Resources

  • Lock Down

  • Windows Logs...

€ 1.50/ $ 2.25

Senso Monitoring for Teams

Safeguard your teams chats with and (per user per year)

  • AI-powered image detection

  • IWF keyword libraries

  • Stand-alone application

  • No installation required

  • Screen captures and alerts

  • Designed for schools

One to One

Microsoft Teams Monitoring

Network Management


Classroom Management

Webfilter for Chromebooks

Request a free 1 month Trial

Please allow 12 hours

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